SterilizationAunty is here to help women and people with female reproductive organs on their voluntary journey to become sterilized. Here you can find answers to common questions about female sterilization procedures, laws by country, experiences, and specific doctors. To succeed in this journey, we help you become fully informed to maximize your chances of success.
Here at SterilizationAunty, we consider your bodily autonomy and choice of healthcare the most important.
Women can seek sterilization for any individual reason. This website aims to help both women with children and women that are childfree by choice. Both groups can face obstacles with obtaining their desired female sterilization procedure. However, it is harder for childfree women to find a willing doctor than it is for those who already have a biological child. Doctors that have performed female sterilization surgery on childfree women will also do it on the ones with biological children, that’s why most content on SterilizationAunty is geared towards the childfree.
Even if we’re living very different lives, our wish is the same: becoming sterile.
Getting started
Use the menus to navigate this website. We tried to organize the topics in a way that makes sense. You can also use the search function at the bottom to look for specific topics. Don’t see your question or topic covered on SterilizationAunty? Use the anonymous Ask Aunty form to help us make this website more useful.
Who is SterilizationAunty for?
SterilizationAunty is for every adult with female reproductive organs who chooses to become sterilized. Even after menopause, there might still be a procedure listed here that you might need.
Though we use the word ‘women’ as a shorthand, this also includes non-binary people and trans men. We welcome you aboard on our collective journey.
We try to keep the language as simple as possible. This might unintentionally alienate non-cis-gendered people, which warrants an apology in advance. We hope you still find the information you need on this site.
SterilizationAunty doesn’t care whether you’re childfree, had one biological child, or had multiple biological children. If you’re looking to become sterilized, we try to help you on the right path with information.
We acknowledge that factors such as race and class can impact your experiences in seeking sterilization services and that there may be a sensitive history regarding sterilization. It’s your choice to pursue sterilization or not. We’re here to smooth the path for everyone.
Your marital or relationship status doesn’t matter to us at SterilizationAunty. We want to encourage you to make the decisions over your body that you need without outside opinions.
Though we sympathize with teenagers seeking a sterilization procedure, most countries don’t allow the voluntary sterilization of minors without parental consent. We do have some tips for people who are battling for their choice in the long haul, this is mainly for adults. Different countries decide the ‘age of majority’ differs per country, in most countries you’re an adult at age 18. We assume 18 as well.
This scope of this site doesn’t include sterilization procedures for men and people with male reproductive organs. We also encourage you to obtain the healthcare you’re seeking and we know your journey can also be full of struggles. Perhaps later we’ll start a site called VasectomyUncle to help you on your journey.